Yeri facts
Birthday: March 5, 1999 Zodiac sign: Pisces Height: 160 cm (5’3″) (Official) / 158 cm (5’2″) She was born in Seoul, South Korea. She has three younger sisters: Yoo Rim (1 year younger), Ye Eun (9 years younger), Chae Eun (12 years younger). The youngest is 13 years younger than her, the 2nd youngest is 10 years younger than her) Her designated color is purple . Her representative animal: Turtle. Her representative fruit: Violet Grape (not to be confused with Green Grape) Her representative weapon: Beast Her representative drink: Violet Punch (Ingredients: Violet Grape, Violet Game-Controller, Violet Rocket) Her nicknames are: Squirtle (the reason being her resemblance to the character), Yeriana (because her favorite singer is Ariana Grande) and Malgeumi (bright). Her English name is Katy. (vLive) She calls herself Yerm. (vLive) Education: Hanlim Multi Art School. She got the first rank in her class with amazing grades. She joined the group in t...